Saturday, February 03, 2007

Second Update from Paul

Hello friends and supporters,

I am writing this second update from the resort town of Queenstown, located at the foot of the Southern Alps. I have spent the last few days walking through the land of Lord of the Rings, along creeks, through forests and over the Divide. I have mainly been following popular alpine tracks and for the first time was really able to enjoy the company of fellow trampers. The weather has been quite wet lately but fortunately all nights were spent in huts. Every day the spectacular scenery helps to take the mind off the next footstep and the views should only get more inspiring as I re-enter Mount Aspiring National Park tomorrow to face the most technically-challenging sections of the tramp, including Cascade Saddle and Rabbit Pass.

That is all for now but rest assured that I will be in touch at every opportunity. Thank you again for your interest and generosity.



Anonymous said...

Great stuff Paul! Cant wait to see some more entries and pictures.!

Anonymous said...

Paul! C'est absolument merveilleux ce que tu vis! J'adore venir prendre de tes nouvelles sur le site et j'ai hâte de voir les beaux clichés que tu vas nous croquer! Tu es la personne la plus accomplie que je connaisse et je t'encourage grandement à continuer dans ces projets à couper le souffle! Prends grand soin de toi, profite pleinement de chaque moment!

Stéphanie Bourgault

Anonymous said...

Go Nashenesen! it's great to hear that the trip is going well. enjoy every moment - i feel like i am right there with you as you describe (and give pics) of where you are and what you are doing. You are truly an inspiration to the movement!
Keep safe, Becky

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