Thursday, March 01, 2007

Seventh Update from Paul

Hello from Havelock, mussel capital of New Zealand and last resupplying point for The Aroka Project,

I have reached the Marlborough Sounds after a few days spent crossing the forested mountains of Mt. Richmond Park. I was hoping that the summit of Mount Richmond itself would provide me with a glimpse of the last coastal 109 km I have to cover, but the mist up there was so thick I could barely locate the next marker showing the way along the open tops. Still it was encouraging to know that from the highest point, the remainder of the journey is largely downhill to Cape Jackson. I had pleasant encounters with friendly locals along hot dusty roads at both ends of the range, and I also very much enjoyed the emerald pools of the Pelorus River.

Here I am now in seaside Havelock. From here I will walk along the road to reach the beginning of the famous Queen Charlotte Track. From that point on I will head straight for the lighthouse at Cape Jackson, which marks the end of the walk. The first tough days in Fjordland seem so far behind now, and it should be a beautiful walk along coves and bays towards the tip of the island.

I will write again when the end destination has been reached. Thank you for following the walk and stay tuned for more updates.



Anonymous said...

YAY! Go Paolo!

Love, Sal

Anonymous said...

congratulations on a job well done buddy!! ~ Adam

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